#mhsm chat Wed Sept 3rd Let’s Talk about Recovery!

List of Stress Relief ActivitiesT-shirt inscribed with This is what RECOVERY looks like

What a great chat we had! Take a moment and read the transcript: http://t.co/XG8MBF6Xww

Upcoming Chats:

Sept 10th: Self-management for suicide prevention in bipolar, with host @unsuicide and guest @CREST_BD! Join us  Wed @ 8pm ET

Sept 17th : Mental Health & Nutrition with @MentalHealthFL! Join us Wed @ 8pm ET

Sept 24th: Lessons we can learn from suicide attempt survivors with @deseraestage! Join us Wed @ 8pm ET

Oct 1st: ADHD Awareness with @Jeff_Emmerson! Join us Wed @ 8pm ET ;

Oct 8th: Mental Illness Awareness Week with @MHSMChat (Cindy)

Oct 15th: Topic and chat leader to be determined

Oct 22nd: Topic to be determined with @giasison @nursefriendly @NatriceR co-hosting!

Oct 29th: No chat since this is th 5th Wed of the month

#mhsm chat Wed Aug 27th @ 8pm ET about Suicide Prevention

What a GREAT chat! Read the transcript here: http://bitly.com/1qiyQ4n

Upcoming Chats:

Sept 3rd: Let’s talk about the Process of Recovery! Join us Wed @ 8pm ET 

Sept 10th: Self-management for suicide prevention in bipolar, with host @unsuicide and guest @CREST_BD! Join us  Wed @ 8pm ET

Sept 17th : Mental Health & Nutrition with @MentalHealthFL! Join us Wed @ 8pm ET

Sept 24th: Lessons we can learn from suicide attempt survivors with @deseraestage! Join us Wed @ 8pm ET

Oct 1st: ADHD Awareness with @Jeff_Emmerson! Join us Wed @ 8pm ET 

Some things we just don't talk about1013522_10151840253395685_709670889_n

#mhsm chat Wed. Aug 6th on College Mental Health: Issues and Improvements


Here is the link to the chat transcript: http://bitly.com/1syug2L

Here are the questions if you want to prepare for the #mhsm chat!

  1. Why is mental illness on campus more prevalent than ever, and what can be done to change this?
  2. How should campuses respond to mental health crises?
  3. What types of support need to be in place for students to improve mental health and reduce mental illness?
  4. What accommodations, if any, should be available to students suffering from mental illness or mental health issues?
  5. Should treatment for mental illness be free and available to all students? Should psychiatric help be paid for by student insurance plans?
  6. What is currently being done about mental health and mental illnesses on campus?
    Who should the responsibility of mental health promotion on campus fall to? (Faculty, students, professors, etc)

Resources to explore and share:

NAMI on Campus provides information and resources to support students’ mental health and to empower them to take action on their college campuses. It helps to ensure that all students have positive, successful and fun college experiences.  http://nami.org/namioncampus

Active Minds empowers students to change the perception about mental health on college campuses. http://activeminds.org

StrengthofUs is an online community designed to empower young adults through resource sharing and peer support and to build connections for those navigating the unique challenges and opportunities in the transition-age years. http://www.strengthofus.org/

Half of Us:through Half of Us, mtvU and The Jed Foundation want to initiate a public dialogue to raise awareness about the prevalence of
mental health issues on campus and connect students to the appropriate resources to get help. http://www.halfofus.com/

Ulifeline, your online resource for college mental health http://www.ulifeline.org/

As the nation’s leading organization working to reduce emotional distress and prevent suicide among college students, The Jed Foundation is protecting the mental health of students across the country. http://www.jedfoundation.org/

The Transition Year is an online resource center to help parents and students focus on emotional health before, during and after the college transition. http://transitionyear.org/

The Trevor Project is the leading national organization focused on crisis and suicide prevention efforts among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) youth. http://www.thetrevorproject.org/

Spill is a nationwide peer support network made OF and FOR college students. You can vent here, confidentially, about whatever is bothering you. Within 24-48 hours, we’ll give you feedback from a handful of trained peers who can relate to your problem. https://spillnow.com/

The National Association of Broadcasters, in partnership with NAMI, has launched OK2Talk, a public service campaign aimed at encouraging young adults to open up about their experiences with mental illness. http://ok2talk.org

The Higher Education Support Toolkit, developed by the BU Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation , provides disability service staff and health care staff with a simple way to work with students who are experiencing challenges arising from their psychiatric disability. The toolkit is available as a free download at the Center’s website. http://www.bu.edu/cpr/resources/supportstudents/

Campus Mental Health: Know Your Rights! A guide for students who want to seek help for mental illness or emotional distress. Produced by the Leadership21 Committee of the Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law. Chapters include: You are Not Alone, Seeking Help, Privacy, Academic Accomaodations, Discipline, Involuntary Leave of Absence, Going to a Psychiatric Hospital, Forced Medication,  Resources. Phone: 202-467-5730. http://www.bazelon.org/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=Cx8IKB4OGpg%3d&tabid=104

Upcoming Chats:

Aug 13th: Sleep and Mental Health with @StacySimera

Aug 20th: #MinorityMentalHealth follow-up chat with @MelodyMoezzi  @ 11 am ET (Note the time please)

There will be an Aug 20th 8pm ET chat also, the topic yet to be determined.

Sept 10th: Self-management for suicide prevention in bipolar, with host @unsuicide and guest @CREST_BD